Arrival in SFO & off to Napa!

7:30 AM Newark to San Francisco via Virgin America - prompt arrival at 11:30AM.  First time we flew on Virgin American and overall it was a very easy, low stress experience.

Upon arrival at SFO airport, I was impressed with how clean and well equipped the airport was.  It reminded me of the international airport in Hong Kong...another place I could easily spend a full day.  After getting a couple of bottled waters, we headed to pick up our car rental.  Down a few long corridors, up the stairs and off we were on the tram.  Six stops later, we arrived at the final stop for car rentals....but since Kyung secured a great bargain, we then headed down three flights of stairs and outside to a shuttle that took us...about five miles to Payless car rentals.  I guess you get what you pay for.  It wasn't the most convenient, but the silver lining was that it was only $200 bucks to rent a car for 5 days AND only a mile away from an In N Out.

After lunch, we headed over to our hotel and checked into the Napa Hilton which was about a hour from SFO.  Thankfully, they allowed us to check in early and the staff, all very proud of their local heritage helped us map out our itinerary for our stay.

Rather than check out a winery, we decided to get our bearings and drive around Yountville, St Helena and navigate around Main Street.   First impressions of Napa - I want to live here.  I love the towns, the people and the general vibe.  I started out this trip thinking this would be my last visit to California for awhile, BUT first impressions of Napa changed my mind.  I wonder how I will feel at the end of this visit.

The day was wonderful and ended with a perfect dinner at Ad Hoc in the neighboring town of Yountville.