Headed south to San Francisco...

We bid a sad farewell to Napa and headed south to San Francisco.

It's been a long time since I visited, almost 8 years.  The times I've visited were for a friend's bridal shower/bachelorette party, then again for her wedding,  and most recently for another friend's wedding in Giradelli Square.  I remember these trips fondly, after all, what is more joyous than seeing your friends get married!

I am back this time with my own husband and I was excited to reacquaint myself with this city.  Hubby lived in San Jose for a few years and though he was a local at one time in his life, the city has become as  unfamiliar to him as it is me.  We are completely reliant on yelp and googlemaps which have proved to be more reliable than either of us.  

3PM Checked into the JW Marriott
Location: Union Square

4PM Chinatown
Walked around and though this particular Chinatown has the largest concentration of Chinese immigrants outside of China, it is still kind of bleh.  Everything is so spread out...I prefer the frenetic energy of NYC's Chinatown.  Though, two points to San Fran's C-town for smelling better.

530PM Concierge
Armed with our macbook and ipad, we scoured the internet to plan our trip (while snacking).  Well, I did at least.  I have no clue what Hubby did.  I was too busy targeting and mapping out all the Starbucks coffee shops.  Must.  Find.  City.  Mug.  Already tried four Starbucks and have come back empty handed.  Obsessive.  Compulsive. Disorder.

800PM KatanaYa (Ramen)
1701 Stockton Street
San Francisco, CA 94102