Knitting Project - complete!

I bought a groupon for a knitting class that only cost $20 and they teach you how to do a basic stitch, proper technique for holding your needles, and how to start and close a stitch.  They also sold you supplies and I opted to purchase this lovely gray yarn which cost me more than double the groupon.  LOL.

I intended to start and finish this by December, but I clearly missed that deadline.  ON the bright side, this was a very mild winter so I doubt hubby would have gotten much use out of it anyway AND since I am in a (self) forgiving mood, I am lucky that this is done and ready for this coming winter.  One less thing to do later in the year!

Knitting isn't for me, but I'm glad I stuck with it and completed it.  Maybe time to pick up that calligraphy set again.  :)