Quest for Mom's Mandoo

My passion for cooking started when I began dating my husband.  It became fun to try new recipes at home versus dining out and it was during this time I asked my mom to teach me how to make her mandoo ( Mandoo is dumplings in Korean).  Long story short she flat out said no and told me I had to wait until I got married.

Fast forward. I got married.  I asked again.  She said no.  Apparently, she's holding out until I have kids.  Sigh.  I can never win.

Even though I think she is being mean, I just don't have the heart to tell her we aren't planning on kids. She is after all my mom.  So, I spent roughly four hours this weekend trying three different dumpling recipes.  Unfortunately I didn't find anything that can compete with hers, but I don't plan on sharing that with her.  I am still hoping to crack her so it won't help if she knows how badly I want that darn recipe.

I am not completely disappointed with the outcome.  They were tasty and I think with a few modifications they would be really good.  However, I guess in my heart even the best of the best won't be the same as moms.  On the bright side, I have about 300 dumplings in my freezer which will last us a long time.  It's a good thing since I think I got carpal tunnel making them.

Blue Bowl - Beef & Pork mixture
Green Bowl - Watercress & Tofu mixture
White Bowl - Port & Kim Chee mixture

Pork & Beef mixture - I made this using two types of wrappers and it was much better with the thicker wrapper served with Siracha.  Oh yeah. 
Watercress & Tofu mixture - The recipe didn't specify which type of tofu.  I used soft and it was too watery.  A bit bland, but not sure if it was because the other dumplings were much more flavorful.  Not a repeat, but the water chestnuts added a nice crunch.
Pork & Kim Chee Mixture - I actually made this before and liked it.  I mentally noted the first time that it needed more Kim Chee next time.  Memory is a tricky thing because I remembered that  mental note after the fact.  
This plate is in my freezer...along with his 11 cousins.