Someone at work asked me how old I was and I had to pause for a brief moment. Honestly, I couldn't remember and had to concentrate. When I did say my age out loud, I was surprised. When did I reach my late 30's? I feel so young at heart that saying the number out Now, I know I'm not OLD, but I am no longer YOUNG. Does that make sense?
Perhaps I've just been in denial that I am 'maturing'. I mean, the clues are all there. I pulled out three white hairs this week. I recently started using anti wrinkle cream. Tabasco now gives me heartburn. I get up in the middle of the night to use the restroom. Small font is getting harder to read. But, the real kicker is that my first nephew is turning 22 next month. Twenty freakin Two. I was there when he was born. When he starting walking. I remember his first karate lesson. Now he is all grown up and graduating college in May.
My nephew will credit me for things I don't deserve, but I do appreciate that I've had some influence on his life. He has grown up into a smart, caring, responsible young man and I am so happy he still makes time for his old aunt. His girlfriend CL is very nice and doesn't (seem to) mind double dating with us 'old folk' and graced us with their company last night. They keep us young and in exchange, we buy them dinner. Seems like we get the better of the deal, but hopefully they won't mind. ;)
Crispy squid |
Steamed rice crepe w/ pork & ear mushroom |
Pho |
Chinese Broccoli in garlic sauce |
'You gotta try this' Pork Chop |
Caramel Chicken |
*Everything was good. Cheap, tasty, and clean. Beers are only $4. Need I say more?*